Be precise with your words

BE PRECISE IN WITH YOUR WORDS I am a proud pappa to 3 gorgeous shorties. As they mature into this […]
What’s YOUR Kung-Fu?

I recently read an article by Ray Dalio. – Nope, he’s not the inventor of a special pizza, but rather […]

So you started your magnificent project and things are going really well. You can feel the momentum growing as you […]
The Science of Achievement VS the Art of Fulfilment

I recently decided to step up my game in the kitchen. My kids say I look pretty good in an […]
When NO means NOT YET?

If we boil our behavior down, most would agree that our actions are based on a need to AVOID PAIN […]
Cold water Immersion and why you should try it

In the late 50s, there was an experiment conducted by some pretty left-field researchers, who set out to prove that […]
Setting a good example for yourself

If you have kids, you will know that these little God-given cherubs hardly miss a thing. I marvel at how […]
How to explore the garden, get lost and find the gold!

People like to read success stories, because they like to see that mere mortal can achieve extraordinary things. Like voyeurs, […]
When storm clouds gather on your mental horizon

Some time ago, I went to lay on someone’s couch and told them about my stuff. I paid for this […]
The alchemist within you

Ask any self-respecting alchemist about his goals and he or she will tell you that these are to find the […]