It is now possible to make yourself younger!!

I’m 53 years young. Lately, and amongst my friends, I have become aware that the topic of advancing age keeps […]
It’s possible to Live Long and Live Strong

If I think back to the very first grubby T-Shirt that I had printed in the name of Thorfit, you […]
This is why you need more Dopamine if you wish to attain your goals.

Why is it that you can set goals that completely juice you, only to find that your enthusiasm wanes within […]
Becoming the Hero of your own story

Choosing your Adventure Study most classical storylines, and you will discover those stories that resonate with us, be it at […]
Why a gratitude practice kicks more ass than an hour in the gym

Before you relegate this little post to the shelf of “also-rans” in the self help section, I’m going to BOLDLY […]
It’s possible to worry yourself sick, – but you can also think yourself healthy!!

I sometimes marvel at how some very abstract paradigms can be traced back to real cold science. Walk with me […]
The truth is like the center of town…

I had a thought which I would like to share with you… Thoughts are like slippery fish… We don’t often […]
5 Lifesavers for when you’re down and out

I remember the day it hit me in the face like a freight train. My life as I knew it […]
Making space for a new you.

In this life, we come across top performers some of our time, and then we come across the middle-of-the-road performers […]
Why you don’t have the body you want

We’ve all started programs and then somehow petered out and not achieved our goals. I want this to change so […]