It’s possible to Live Long and Live Strong

If I think back to the very first grubby T-Shirt that I had printed in the name of Thorfit, you […]
Milkshakes and mindsets

Mindset can be defined as a set of core assumptions that simplify the way we see the world around us. […]
Hormones – Let’s look at the big 5

WELLBEING AFTER 40 – A MAN’S ESSENTIALS You were built to be strong and fearless, confident and powerful! You were […]
Restaurants, Booze and other Temptations…

So you’ve started the year off strong. You decided that the jellification of your mid-rift was simply not going to […]
Becoming the Hero of your own story

Choosing your Adventure Study most classical storylines, and you will discover those stories that resonate with us, be it at […]
Why I want you to do absolutely nothing for a change

HOW TO INTERMITTENTLY FAST So I’ve addressed the method behind the madness. (Why we want you to fast) CHOOSE YOUR […]
This is why I want you to count those calories

How to murder Fat with science With any undertaking, you have to know where your point of departure is, and […]
Why a gratitude practice kicks more ass than an hour in the gym

Before you relegate this little post to the shelf of “also-rans” in the self help section, I’m going to BOLDLY […]
It’s possible to worry yourself sick, – but you can also think yourself healthy!!

I sometimes marvel at how some very abstract paradigms can be traced back to real cold science. Walk with me […]
Feast, then Fast…

If you’ve been starving yourself on any caloric deprivation program, I want to suggest that you have yourself a cheat […]