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Feast, then Fast…

If you’ve been starving yourself on any caloric deprivation program, I want to suggest that you have yourself a cheat

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Emotional ties to Food

Good morning. How are you progressing along this path? The more entrenched I get in helping with the re-set, the more I’m understanding that our relationship to food is at the root cause of a lot of our behaviours and feelings.
Bear with me while I think out loud…
When you’re born, food is the link between you and your mother. Nourishment is what we need from a physiological perspective, but your care-giver has progressed into adulthood and their relationship to food has, in the meantime, also assumed a psychological perspective. Think of a caring grandmother. She expresses love by giving you food. (Here, have a cookie dear)

As we grow, food takes on so many meanings.
Your mother has partially transfered her relationship to food onto you. Some moms feed to relieve themselves of their own guilt for being inattentive.

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Fitness Coach

My name is Thorsten, and I’m into helping Silverbacks like myself on the road to rediscovering their self-esteem, and yes – great abs. My coaching, whilst cutting edge when it comes to the 4 F’s of Fasting, Feasting, Fighting and Flourishing, is aimed at implementing small gradual changes to one’s life-style which are designed to align the system from within, allowing for gradual changes which are easy to follow and staggering in the changes they create. Emotions come from motion, and it’s time to move baby!!

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Why Intermittent Fasting Will Change Your Mind & Your Body

Thorsten Eggert

My name is Thorsten, and I’m into helping Silverbacks like myself on the road to rediscovering their self-esteem, and yes – great abs. My coaching, whilst cutting edge when it comes to the 4 F’s of Fasting, Feasting, Fighting and Flourishing, is aimed at implementing small gradual changes to one’s life-style which are designed to align the system from within, allowing for gradual changes which are easy to follow and staggering in the changes they create. Emotions come from motion, and it’s time to move baby!!