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How much Coffee can I have?

How much Coffee can I have?

You like Coffee… but do you know what makes the black brew so good for you?

Forget the myth that coffee slows down your performance. Science shows time and time again that your morning joe delivers big benefits for your health and wellness:

* Coffee has been shown to raise ketone levels. Ketones help burn fat, curb cravings and power your brain.
* Contains chlorogenic acid, a compound that has been shown to protect your mitochondria, lower inflammation and support eye health.
* Studies show that caffeine and other compounds in coffee are associated with a lower risk of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
* Coffee contains compounds that increase your metabolism, help you burn fat during exercise and can boost athletic performance. Keep reading to find out how.

Part of coffee’s benefits come from caffeine, a psychoactive stimulant drug. Caffeine has been shown to boost your metabolic rate — the speed at which your body turns calories into energy.

Early research also suggests that caffeine supports fat-burning during exercise. One 2018 study gave participants 3mg of caffeine per kilogram of bodyweight. Consuming caffeine actually shifted their caloric burn — the participants ended up burning more body fat during exercise, versus burning carbs alone.

Plus, stimulants help fight fatigue and kick your energy into high gear. That’s because caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, heart and muscles, according to the American Council on Exercise.

If you’re looking for a morning pre-workout, plain coffee is a great place to start. Caffeine has been shown to increase athletic performance during both prolonged endurance exercise and short-term intense training.

So, research supports the idea that coffee is awesome. But there are two important caveats to keep in mind:
Don’t overdo it. Up to 400mg of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults, according to the Mayo Clinic. That’s about four cups of brewed coffee.

Be aware of what you’re adding to your cup. Most scientific studies are examining caffeine or plain coffee, not pumpkin spice lattes. Keep reading to learn what you should limit — and what coffee add-ins to enjoy instead.

Recipe Suggestion

Keto Coffee with Collagen.

Here’s what makes this drink so great:
Prebiotics nourish your good gut bacteria
Collagen Protein supports healthy skin, bones and joints
Quality fats from MCT oil keep you full and focused and energised
Oh, and you still get to enjoy that delicious coffee flavor. Prebiotics and Collagen Proteins are flavorless and mix easily in pretty much anything. Check out the recipe below.

8–12 oz. brewed coffee
1 tsp. — 2 Tbsp. MCT Oil
1–2 Tbsp. grass-fed, unsalted butter
1–2 scoops Collagen Protein

Add all the ingredients to a blender.
Blend until frothy.
Pour into a mug and enjoy the whole-body goodness.
Serves: 1




Fitness Coach

My name is Thorsten, and I’m into helping Silverbacks like myself on the road to rediscovering their self-esteem, and yes – great abs. My coaching, whilst cutting edge when it comes to the 4 F’s of Fasting, Feasting, Fighting and Flourishing, is aimed at implementing small gradual changes to one’s life-style which are designed to align the system from within, allowing for gradual changes which are easy to follow and staggering in the changes they create. Emotions come from motion, and it’s time to move baby!!

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