Life-Betterment For Men, With A Focus On Our 4F’s

There’s A Non Diet That Will …



I want you to do nothing for a change

We spend so much time, deliberating over what the right diet is that we should follow.
There’s the Paleo diet used by cross fitters. You could go Keto. You could turn vegan. You could become a pescatarian…

The list goes on and it’s bewildering. These diets all tell you WHAT TO EAT and WHAT NOT TO EAT.

What if I told you that the best approach is not WHAT you eat, but WHEN you eat.

Intermittent Fasting BENEFIT #1:


The removal of old, dead cells to allow for the generation of new, healthy cells.

From a BODY COMPOSITION PERSPECTIVE, the carbs, proteins and fats you consume are all METABOLISED THE SAME, (whether you’re eating steamed broccoli or smashing down a burger). If you’re unsure about which diet you’re currently following, let me suggest that there’s an approach to eating that you’re kind of practicing already. 

It’s called IF or Intermittent Fasting…

Here’s how it goes…


The Silverback’s guide to Intermittent Fasting and why it will change your mind

When you’re asleep, you’re fasting.

What happens during your sleep, is the following:

Your body is given a chance to attend to INTERNAL HOUSEKEEPING. You could see it in the same way as running the dishwasher. During this time, a PROCESS CALLED AUTOPHAGY occurs. This is when your body is able to remove dead cells. It’s like taking out the garbage.

What happens when the garbage piles up in the streets of New York, during a strike? – The rats come out to play and the whole place begins to stink.


Push your first meal to 1PM and to allow for your bodies’ natural HOUSEKEEPING to continue well into the day.

Imagine a team of cleaners that have the night shift. They kinda get the job done, but their shift ends at 7am and that’s when they down their tools even if they didn’t do the best job. They leave, the place gets messed up again, and the dirt accumulates in all the nooks and crannies. Now imagine that same team continuing their jobs for another 6 hours. NOW the place is sparkling…

TESTOSTERONE PRODUCTION, starts at night and stops when you have your first meal. T is your friend and you want that to go on as long as possible

GROWTH HORMONE (GH) PRODUCTION, keeps you younger for longer and prevents break-down

Push your first meal to 1PM and to allow for your bodies' natural HOUSEKEEPING to continue well into the day.

Here are 2 diet fixes that you can implement right away, if you want to melt the fat and radically improve the way you feel.



For years, we’ve been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

In fact, people are scolded when they skip breakfast, especially those embarking on a weight loss plan.

The pro breakfast crowd maintains that you won’t get as hungry later in the day, if you fill up early. 

This does not make sense if you are weighing up calories in vs calories out… seen over the course of the day. 


INSULIN DETERMINES which food goes where… think of it like a packing house… When the body is operating efficiently, (sensitivity is high), then the packages of food, coming off the conveyor belt, are neatly handled and place in their correct spots at the right time. Proteins for muscles, Carbs for glycogen etc.

INSULIN DETERMINES which food goes where… think of it like a packing house… When the body is operating efficiently, (sensitivity is high), then the packages of food, coming off the conveyor belt, are neatly handled and place in their correct spots at the right time. Proteins for muscles, Carbs for glycogen etc.

Now think of a carb-rich, jam-up of a breakfast. All the food parcels arrive at the same time, and the staff doesn’t know where to put the stuff. It’s literally falling off the conveyor belt! In a desperate attempt to keep up, the resistant employees are forced to stuff the food parcels in into storage areas, (on the hips, the belly and other favorite places).

The problem, is that insulin sensitivity is NOT higher in the wee hours of the morning. It’s higher after a minimum of 8 hours of fasting. It just so happens that you’re fasting while you’re asleep. More specifically, your insulin sensitivity is highest when your glycogen levels are low, which is at the end of your 8 hour fast.

When you do finally have food,

**you turn what you do put into your system into super fuel.**

Insulin will make sure that all the macros are placed where they belong. ie protein is going straight to the areas that you worked out.



Protein is the most metabolically expensive food. Up to 30% of the calories you eat from protein are burned up during digestion.

Carbs are less metabolically active, burning between 6 to 8% of your intake.

Fats, require about 4%.

There is so much confusion about what you can and can’t eat, when it comes to other diets.

Weight-watchers create confusion when it comes to the frequency of meals you can eat.

We’ve all read somewhere that in order to lose weight, you need to keep the metabolism primed and running by eating 6 small low-fat meals a day. This form of eating has been used by bodybuilders and dieticians so long, it’s been taken as fact, BUT IT’S NOT GREAT… – here’s why:

While it’s true that your bodily functions require some food for energy, don’t forget that the leftovers are transported to your adipose tissue and gives you love handles.

Intermittent Fasting BENEFIT #2:


Making the body more sensitive to insulin allows it to better utilize blood glucose, thus reducing blood sugar levels and even combats TYPE 2 DIABETES!

There is so much confusion about what you can and can’t eat, when it comes to other diets.

In my years of getting people to look and feel their very best, this is the one hack that you can implement right away. The beauty lies in its simplicity…

But what’s not to love about something that asks you to do nothing. Of course you’ll have to re-train yourself, but what worthwhile thing was ever undertaken without a little effort

The problem, is that insulin sensitivity is NOT higher in the wee hours of the morning. It’s higher after a minimum of 8 hours of fasting. It just so happens that you’re fasting while you’re asleep. More specifically, your insulin sensitivity is highest when your glycogen levels are low, which is at the end of your 8 hour fast.

When you do finally have food,

**you turn what you do put into your system into super fuel.**

Insulin will make sure that all the macros are placed where they belong. ie protein is going straight to the areas that you worked out.

So, would you rather be eating 6 steamed low fat meals (which prime you to be hungry) or would you prefer your favorite burger and smash an egg on top of it?

In my years of getting people to look and feel their very best, this is the one hack that you can implement right away. The beauty lies in its simplicity…

But what’s not to love about something that asks you to do nothing. Of course you’ll have to re-train yourself, but what worthwhile thing was ever undertaken without a little effort

I have included a PDF, like a mini course, about intermittent fasting. It will get you started and if you want more from us, we’re here to help…
In it, you will find out:

Click and take action now!!

Your great life awaits you. Take action… or better said – decide not to act on your food habits… re-invent your approach to food now.