Dear Friend,
I get it…
You‘re not a spring chicken anymore. Almost without announcing it, your body has begun to melt in directions you never thought possible.
Your pant sizes have gradually increased over the years. You buy larger T-Shirts to hide the fatty area just above your kidneys… also known as love handles.
You feel like you’re past your prime and reason with yourself, that you’re not a young buck anymore.
Let me tell you this… “You’re far from past your prime” – You’ve just allowed some poor lifestyle choices to stack up and now they’re showing up… on your hips and in your health
I’m not sucking this out of thin air. I have spoken to and worked with hundreds of Dads over the age of 40… I understand your struggle
If the above resonates with you, – read every word on this page. Take heart, there is a way back to your hero self
This routine has been adopted by the 40plus around the world and it has nothing to do with marathon cardio workouts or becoming a bodybuilder.
It’s much safer and more gentle because it uses your age to youradvantage.
And you want to banish your old shape and reboot your body so it makes MORE testosterone… burns MORE fat… and builds MORE muscle by doing LESS… keep reading.
The Thorfit Lifestyle System is not new
The truth is…
At our age, our bodies respond differently. When we train according to just any program, we elevate our cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and can accelerate the aging process. We bring about injuries and trash our hormone production.
First – here’s a little backstory
I remember the day it finally hit me. I had just returned from a session with my divorce attorneys and on my way to the shower, I happened to glance at the mirror. I saw someone that I hardly recognized. In front of me was a flabby, middle-aged guy. My skin looked puffy and there was a layer of fat oozing over my belt. My eyes lacked sparkle. As I began to examine myself in the mirror more closely, I almost thought that the ex may have had a point when she ran off with her high-school sweetheart.
The past few years had been dedicated to building a life for my family. As work demands had increased, I began pushing exercise onto the back-burner. My list of aches and pains began to grow. I would do a roll call in the mornings, lying in bed, and was happy when there wasn’t a new niggle to contend with.
My once confident self had gradually transformed into that of an insecure, shirt-wearing around the pool, bitter guy, who was more comfortable on the couch, than talking to friends around the pool during summertime
That day, in front of the mirror, I remember thinking:
That was the day that my personal breakthrough began, which has led to this powerful solution for guys our age.
It’s the same system that helped me to get my body, energy and life back, which is why I’m eager to share it with you
But I have to warn you. This is not a hard-core gym program, nor is it a restrictive dieting plan. This is a lifestyle system that entails making small systematic changes that stack on top of each other to align you from within. We use the 4 pillars of health.
Listen, our joints are beginning to act up after years of wear and tear. What’s good for Joey the gym jock, may not apply to you anymore.
Chances are, the bar will be set so high that they are setting you up to fail.
When you finally give up after not being able to follow the marathon work-outs, the gym jock gets a free pass, because you did not do what he said.
When you cut out the training program of a Mister Olympia, you’re almost guaranteed to burn out. What’s more, your stress hormone, CORTISOL will suppress your testosterone levels and make way for ESTROGEN. Let’s be honest… unless you’re a professional bodybuilder, and on “the juice” you’re simply not going to cope with 3-hour gym sessions. This will lead to over-training…The result…
There is no perfect cookie-cutter program that will be workable for every dad.
There is no ideal diet that works for every guy or gal…
When you embark on a journey, you should know where you are starting, and then you should know where you are headed. Just like a plane taking off in New York, destined for Hawaii, the pilot of the plane has a route in mind. As he flies, the plane is constantly on course and off course. This is a never-ending process of small corrections until you arrive at the destination.
In the days of web2.0, you would read a lengthy sign-up page and at the very end, you would pay to receive a link to an online course, usually in the form of a PDF. Once paid, you’d be left to your own devices.
Believe me, I have done this often and been left stranded often.
I did not understand why I would fall off the wagon.
Why my determination began to wane
Why I would invariably start strong and finish off weak.
The road map to success is clearly in the tracking of your journey.
FEATURE – We gauge your LBM (lean body mass)
BENEFIT – with this information, we upload your exact caloric requirements onto the APP, thereby removing guesswork.
FEATURE – you complete a client assessment form, which informs us about your specific needs
BENEFIT – we design a tailor-made training program, taking into account your energy levels, your training experience
FEATURE – during the first 2 weeks of the program, we remove sugars and carbs from your diet
BENEFIT – We eat far too much sugar in our diets and this makes us insulin resistant and even prone to diabetes, – Taking a hiatus from sugar will restore your insulin sensitivity and turn your body into a clean lean fat-burning machine
FEATURE – we introduce you to the joys of INTERMITTENT FASTING.
BENEFIT – When you are not eating, your body has time for autophagy or cellular repair. This prevents premature aging, reduces injuries, restores hormone levels
BENEFIT – even if you’re an old gym hound, you will be surprised at how the body responds to full-body workouts at higher reps.
FEATURE – 3 x 30 days to run the course
BENEFIT – each phase is designed to create a platform for the next evolution in your transformation. During phase 1, you work on getting the basics right with food and training. The weight will drop off. Phase 2 ups the intensity and ensures that your continue making gains, whilst losing weight. Phase 3 is where it gets interesting. You will be well-fed, working on power movements, and without the excess fat covering your body, you will begin to sculpt and peeps in the gym will ask you what the heck you’ve been doing to transform as you have.
When you sign up for coaching, you will receive your very own training App. This is used as a communication platform. You will receive
THE NUMBER ONE REASON FALL OFF THE WAGON when enrolling in a program, is because they don’t know whether they are making progress or not.
When you track your weight, your food, and your workouts, then you will see where you are at. You will come to value the inches lost around your waist and you won’t falter as you did before.
When your hormones align and your insulin resistance decreases, your body gravitates towards its natural state.
Cellular repair takes place in the absence of digestion. Abstaining from breakfast is the single best practice for preventing the onset of premature aging and brings about FEWER ACHES AND PAINS HIGHER TESTOSTERONE LEVELS, MAKING YOU MORE OF THE MAN YOU WERE MEANT TO BE INSULIN SENSITIVITY IS HIGHEST IN A FASTED STATE AND LEADS TO BETTER NUTRIENT ABSORBTION AND LOWER FAT STORAGE
We teach you to become more intuitive to the foods you put into your body. Once you have become accustomed to tracking your food, you will gain a whole new level of understanding of which macronutrients are required for optimum performance and great health. Plus, we teach you to operate within a caloric deficit during certain times of the course, whilst introducing a cheat day at a time when metabolic slow-down threatens to slow down the fat loss process.
(NO, please don’t go pick a fight with your mother in-law0 - Rather, move like a warrior and reap the benefits of increased endorphins. We show you how motion begets better emotions. When you lean into discomfort, you will be better equipped to take on the challenges of the day. We switch up the training and keep your body guessing and always recovering, getting stronger for the next assault.
A strong body begins with a strong mind. There are practices that will move your awareness into the present moment, where you operate from the pre-frontal cortex, instead of being on auto-pilot and falling prey to your habits. We show you how to adopt more empowering habits and to leave those which are not moving you towards your goals.
The course covers 3 distinct phases, each one designed to create the foundation for the next.
Your coach assesses your maintenance calories, based on your lean body mass
From this, he can prescribe your caloric intake as well as the split between Carbs, Protein, and Fat.
We send you a questionnaire and learn about your current fut=iness level, any injuries you may have, and your approach to food.
Once we have this information, your coach will connect with you to gauge learn more about you in person
You will be sent a link to the Thorfit App which lives on your phone.
Your coach will send you a tailor-made nutrition plan and daily workouts. – It is your responsibility to track your workouts and your food so that your coach can make adjustments as we go along. Remember, this is no cookie-cutter, one size fits all recipe.
You can choose whether you’re into home-based workouts, gym programs, bodyweight workouts, etc. We will detergent the right approach for some practices, on top,on top will you?
This phase is designed to re-sset your insulin sensitivity. It’s like cleaning the carbs on a car before you enter a race. If the petrol flows better, you score.
We get you accustomed to Intermittent fasting, probably the single most important change you can make to your weight loss goals.
We get you to train and track. When you start tracking your workouts, momentum begins to build and you’ll not fall off the wagon. In Phase I, you’ll activate your entire muscular system without overtaxing your body. Plus, you’ll perform functional cardio movements that increase fat loss and upgrade your metabolism so you burn calories around the clock. From the very first routine, you’ll unlock an explosive testosterone response that reverses aging also.
As the name implies, this phase is all about building your physique. In this 4-week training block, you’ll experience a fresh surge of muscle growth and strength that makes you feel like a jock again.
Plus, in Phase II, your testosterone levels will take flight. You’ll feel your libido kick in and she’ll love your extra mojo between the sheets. Your muscles will look pumped all day long and that layer of fat over your belly will begin to disappear.
Congratulations! You made it through the first two phases of this program— you have impressive new muscle, functional strength, and your testosterone is pumping at an exciting rate. Now it’s time to gently kick it up a notch using my “cheat day” muscle-building and fat-burning technique.
In Phase 3, you’ll see lines in your abs and gain more lean muscle to show off. Plus, you’ll sleep better, enjoy all-day energy and bulletproof your confidence.
The result— you’ll feel like a whole new man: with a powerful, lean, and high-performing physique… and the best years of your life still ahead of you.
The 3-Phase Our hero instructional manual that shows you how to get lean and ripped… This simple guide takes all the guesswork out of melting fat and revealing a head-turning new physique.
The #1 exercise method (scientifically proven by researchers at Ball State University) to skyrocket testosterone, reverse aging and get hard from head to toe… and will reverse years of aging in the bedroom where your partner will enjoy your teenage libido again.
Rewind aging in your cells so you look and feel younger from the inside out! This group of exercises makes your cell’s mitochondria create almost 70% more energy… keeping you young, fresh, and on the move at any age…
Replace belly fat with rock-hard muscle… (each cycle makes even the most stubborn flab melt off your body… and faster than you could ever achieve without it!)
Thorfit Training and Coaching App training logs that make it easy to keep up with your progress throughout the entire program… (a study from West Virginia University found this tracking method will take your results to the next level.)
How to “age-proof” your body so you don’t suffer from muscle loss or “old man gut”. (Just activate your testosterone and human growth hormone with these specific exercises and you’ll undo decades of aging and fat gain.)
The single most important rule you need to remember when training over 50… Get this right and you’ll NEVER have to worry about injuries again…
Bonus 2 #FEAST
Over the next 12-weeks of 50 plus hero’s, you’re going to take your body and performance to the next level…
And with the help of this 12-week nutrition plan alongside it, you’ll achieve a body you likely NEVER dreamed possible at your age.
This helpful guide takes all the guesswork out of the kitchen… and helps you melt fat, recharge your energy levels, skyrocket your testosterone and so much more.
Plus, when you eat the scientifically proven “feature foods” clearly listed inside, you’ll unlock complete health…
And fight a serious disease that most guys face as they get older, like diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.
Just make this nutrition plan you’re new go-to and you’ll look and feel like “you 2.0” beginning the very first week.
You will get to know all the ins and outs of what is possibly the oldest and most effective food (or nonfood) program ever invented.
Learn how re-setting your food intake times will slow down aging, using the benefits of Autophagy
Boost your testosterone levels by pushing out your food intake window
Boost Growth hormone production in the absence of Cortisol, the stress hormone
Allow for housekeeping and the reduction of disease when you abstain from normal dietary processes
Listen, man— your best years don’t have to be behind you…
When you make Fit After 50 yours today, you can give your body and health a full upgrade that lasts for decades… and undo years of flabby body fat, muscle loss, aches and pains, and “testosterone shrinkage.”
Think of how great you’ll feel to be an inspiration to your kids… They’ll be so proud when you take charge of your health and don’t settle for second-best anymore.
Think of how great it will feel when your wife tells you how hot you’re looking and how she loves how your body and mind have changed!
This isn’t some way-off fantasy. The tools you need to transform into the hero version of yourself, are right here at your fingertips.
When you follow this program down to the letter, (or even 80%), your body will transform in the shortest amount of time, because it’s a system that was designed to stack its benefits – one small change at a time
Anyone can do this! All you have to do is commit to stop making excuses that you’re too old, too tired, feeling listless.
And listen, I’ll be with you every step of the way. Think of me as your coach, your cornerman.
Simply reach out to me via the App and I’ll be there to talk you through any questions you may have.
Together, we’ll do whatever it takes to get you winning the fight against aging so that you too can become the hero of your own story, and that of your friends and family.
I will give you an amazing introductory offer, but first….
I hope you understand …
The reason this program works is because other programs simply don’t care about your age.
They’re either too intense, or they will put your body into stress mode and progress is slow and sporadic.
And I’m so confident this is the right program for you that I want to make your decision a complete “no brainer” for you today.
That’s why when you purchase Fifty Plus Hero Challenge today, I’ll back you up with my 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.